While data center installation can be a complex process, we at Nexotech International LP believe it is worth the time and effort to develop the most complete and efficient design that will work best for your business. With each step of the design and installation process, we take care and precision to make sure each element will lead to you getting the most use out of your data center resources. Data center installation begins with developing a structured cabling system that will provide a strong infrastructure to support the data center. From there, power supply systems, cabinets, cooling solutions, and monitoring systems can be implemented to complete the data center installation. Every step of the data center installation is a detailed process to ensure your data center runs efficiently and provides the necessary support for your business.

Our safe and extremely flexible business solutions help our clients to stay connected to everything that matters on their own terms. With a strong connectivity base, we’re the hub in the digital ecosystem, empowering people, companies and societies to stay in touch with everything that matters 24/7/365 – on their terms.
Our Address:
10205-101 Street, Suite 215, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2Y9, Canada